7-step diet to lose belly fat fast

7-step diet to lose belly fat fast

Below is a simple 7-step diet to lose belly fat fast. It really doesn’t have to be complicated, but you do have to take action. If you just read this article and do nothing, then your tummy will do the exact same thing… nothing.

If you want a flat tummy or six pack abs, this is the best way to start.

Belly fat diet in 7 steps:

1. Eat more lean protein

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, you’re probably here again. Eat more lean protein. Whether it’s a boneless, skinless chicken breast, a lean bison steak, or a good fish fillet, you need to eat more lean protein. Every meal should include lean protein, even if it’s just a handful of nuts when you snack.

2. Stop drinking your calories

Drinking water. I can’t say this enough. Get rid of everything that contains calories. If it’s soda, energy drinks, or any other type of junk drink, stop drinking it. I don’t care if it tastes good, you should stop drinking if you want to lose belly fat fast. This also includes so-called healthy drinks like fruit juice and milk. Drinking your calories is one of the fastest ways to gain belly fat.

3. Eat your vegetables

I know I may sound like a doting mother giving advice to a five-year-old who doesn’t want to taste his broccoli, but this is absolutely one of the most important keys to losing weight. The more green vegetables you eat, the faster you will lose weight. Include at least one vegetable at each meal, preferably more. I personally include a green vegetable like a spinach or broccoli and cheese salad along with some type of bean.

4. Eat more beans

This may sound a bit strange, but beans can really help when it comes to losing. Especially if you eat green lentils, kidney beans, or my favorite black beans. These beans contain protein and are very high in fiber, and because of their low glycemic index and relatively low glycemic load, they keep you full without causing big blood sugar spikes.

5. Ignore the Food Pyramid

The food here is made is an archaic device created long before modern nutrition was developed. Although the government has slightly modified it, it still suggests a large amount of grains and the possibility of excessive intake of refined sugar. If you really want to lose belly fat fast, and I’m sure you do, then you should ditch those suggestions. Most people who eliminate wheat from their diet experience a weight loss of 5 to 10 pounds in the first week or week and a half. This is largely due to the weight of retained water and colonic reflux. If you eliminate wheat from your diet, you will reduce inflammation and gastrointestinal problems, and you will lose weight even faster. And then there’s the all-important sugar. Ditch the refined sugar while you’re trying to lose belly fat. Sure, if you’re following a special diet that allows you to cheat, like mine, eating sugar at the right times can help you lose weight faster. If you’re not on one of the specially designed diet plans, you should ditch the refined sugar if you want to lose that flab.

6. Complete Redefine

Most of us grew up learning how to clean our plates and not waste food. This leads to the habit of eating until we are full. If you want to be fit and healthy then you have to kick this habit and break the pattern. You have to redefine what it means to be full. Start by eating smaller portions and before you get seconds ask yourself “Am I still hungry?” this will help you redefine what it means to be full because you will have to consciously think about eating until you are full or too full.

7. Give yourself a break… from time to time

In our society it is almost impossible to follow a strict diet. No amount of willpower can keep you on a fast fat loss diet for long. That’s why it’s important to schedule an occasional break in the diet.

As I mentioned before, be careful with the amount of traps. Unless your diet is specifically designed to use cheats strategically, you can set it back a whole week or more. So to make sure you don’t blow your results, schedule one cheat meal per week. It will be very difficult to eat enough bad things at one meal to stall your progress for the rest of the week. Not to mention, this cheat meal will give you a tremendous psychological boost because you’ll know when it’s coming and you’ll be more likely to stick with the diet until then.

8. Bonus – Get Support

It may seem like you can’t help much, but having a coach or some kind of support system that you know you can trust, and not just a friend who wants to lose weight, can mean the difference between losing 5 pounds and gaining it back and losing it all. the path and getting the body of your dreams if you have a trainer is so important.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be someone who goes to the gym with you every time, but it should be someone you can trust to tell you the truth and keep you motivated. A professional trainer is best, even if it’s an email trainer or an online trainer, or someone you can call when you have a question, or just need to motivate yourself to stay away from the snack machine.

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